Thursday, 27 January 2011

Day 166 - 26th January 2011

What JJ thought of that letter! Good boy!

Day 165 - 25th January 2011

Received a letter today stating I was actually 54 years old, and how I could benefit from a over 50's life insurance policy... great!

Monday, 24 January 2011

Day 161 - 20th January 2011

Made me chuckle and think of the good old days in the Team of Art Direction (miss you T!)

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Day 145 - 4th January 2011

The 2 Litre water a day + diet = Not as much fun as stuffing yourself at Christmas!

Day 144 - 3rd January 2011

A Stroke the furry wall moment was had on the A1 last night, major crash meaning Lucy and Florence driving through the unknown to get home!

Day 143 - 2nd January 2011

Blurry Rabbit ... Damnit zoom and shakey hand!

Day 142 - 1st January 2011

A 2009 Xmas Gift ... Finally being used yeyeeyyey - I even asked for it back at one point - Well Done Sauly!

Day 141 - 31st December 2010

Memorable NYE!

Day 140 - 30th December 2010

Sauls first shift on the run ... 2 AFA's, a flood and 2 Fires and a very Sooty face after!

Day 139 - 29th December 2010

Meanwhile in Yorkshire, Mum makes JJ a gym as he grows into a big lion (nearly!)

Day 138 - 28th December 2010

Lovely fire awaiting us in Chelmsford - could get used to this!

Day 137 - 27th December 2010

JJ's first Christmas and he's settling in very well!

Day 136 - 26th December 2010

Got COLD, and once again Saul is immune! Grrr!

Day 135 - 25th December 2010

Marks and Spencer Christmas Dinner yummmmmy STUFFED!

Day 134 - 24th December 2010

Phew... he made it!